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…edition with a detailed introduction in her book The Arabic Translation and Commentary of Yefet b. ‘Eli on the Book of Proverbs. Volume 1: Edition and Introduction (Leiden: Brill, 2016)….

Don’t Alter a Word: Thoughts on Robert Alter’s “The Art of Bible Translation” (Princeton University Press: Princeton & Oxford, 2019) in the Wider Context of Hebrew Bible Translation

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…a daunting one, at which many have tried a hand and few have succeeded. Here I will suffice with one fascinating example from the Arabic translation tradition of the Jews….

Biblical translations into Christian Arabic preserved in the Cairo Genizah collections

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…translation units. [7] Saadiah’s Tafsīr was adopted (and adapted) by Christian communities. The manuscript evidence suggests a necessary distinction between different branches of transmission, one Coptic and one Syriac Orthodox…