Search results:

89 matches for Subject: "Pentateuch" 

You may wish to expand your search by using our advanced search functions or by using wildcard characters to increase results. See search tips for more details.

Search Tips

For best results, users are recommended to use the advanced search functions. Search results can also be improved by the use of the the following Boolean search characters:

Wildcard Characters:

Given the prevalence of variant spellings in names, using Wildcard Characters may help.

"?" can be inserted as a variant for any single character.

Thus a search for:

returns results which contain either "Gewargis" or "Giwargis".

Similarly a search for:

returns results which contain either "Mar" or "Mor".

"*" can be inserted as a variant for multiple characters or a truncated word.

Thus a search for:

returns results for "Dayr" and "Dayro" and more.

Similarly a search for

returns results for "ʿAbdishoʿ" and "ʿAbda" and more.

Note: Because the sources we quote use a variety of transliteration formats, ignores diacritics and punctuation in searching; for example, use of "ʿ" is not required to find results with this diacritical mark.

Fuzzy Search Character

Appending the character "~" after a word returns results for words that are close but not exact matches.

Thus a search for

returns results which contain "Aba" but also "Abi", "Saba", "Aha", and other words that are "fuzzy" matches for "Aba".

Exact Phrase Searches

To find an exact phrase, it should be enclosed in double quotes.


"ʿAbdishoʿ I"  
returns only one result with that exact phrase, while several results are found for the words "ʿAbdishoʿ" and "I".

Proximity Characters

To find two or more words which occur within a specified range of each other, one can append the character "~" followed by a number to an "Exact Phrase" search. This allows one to search for two or more words that occur within a specified distance of each other as defined by number of words.


finds three results in which the words "Jacob" and "Bishop" occur within two words of each other: "Jacob , bishop of Nisibin", "Jacob, bishop of Phesilta", and "Jacob , bishop of ‛Ānah" while a simple search for "Jacob Bishop" returns many more results.

The Arabic Commentary of ‘Ali ben Suleimān the Karaite on the Book of Genesis, Edited from Unique Manuscripts and Provided with Critical Notes and an Introduction Solomon L. Skoss, The Arabic Commentary of ‘Ali ben Suleimān the Karaite on the Book of Genesis, Edited from Unique Manuscripts and Provided with Critical Notes and an Introduction (Philadelphia: The Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning, 1928)URI:
משלי בלעם בפירושו של יפת בן עלי הקראי || Balaam’s Poetic Verses in the Commentary of Yefet ben ʿEli the Karaite Avni Tzvi ed., "משלי בלעם בפירושו של יפת בן עלי הקראי || Balaam’s Poetic Verses in the Commentary of Yefet ben ʿEli the Karaite."Sefunot: Studies and Sources on the History of the Jewish Communities in the East || ספונות: מחקרים ומקורות לתולדות קהילות ישראל במזרח New Series 8 || סדרה חדשה‎, ח (2003 || תשס"ג)URI:
Specimen philologicum, continens descriptionem codicis ms. bibliothecae Lugduno-Batavae, partemque inde excerptam versionis samaritano-arabicae Pentateuchi Mosaïci, quod, annuente summo numine, praeside viro clarissimo Sebaldo Fulcone Johanne Ravio, [...] publice defendet Gulielmus van Vloten, trajectinus, [...] auctor [...] Gulielmus [= Willem] van Vloten, Specimen philologicum, continens descriptionem codicis ms. bibliothecae Lugduno-Batavae, partemque inde excerptam versionis samaritano-arabicae Pentateuchi Mosaïci, quod, annuente summo numine, praeside viro clarissimo Sebaldo Fulcone Johanne Ravio, [...] publice defendet Gulielmus van Vloten, trajectinus, [...] auctor [...] (Leiden: S. et J. Luchtmans, 1803)URI:
Scriptures beyond Words: “Islamic” Vocabulary in Early Christian Arabic Bible Translations Miriam L. Hjälm, "Scriptures beyond Words: “Islamic” Vocabulary in Early Christian Arabic Bible Translations."Collectanea Christiana Orientalia (2018)URI:
The Samaritan Version of Saadya Gaon's Translation of the Pentateuch. Critical Edition and Study of MS BL OR7562 and Related MSS Tamar Zewi, The Samaritan Version of Saadya Gaon's Translation of the Pentateuch. Critical Edition and Study of MS BL OR7562 and Related MSS, Biblia Arabica (Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2015)URI:
The Arabic Commentary of 'Ali ben Suleimān the Karaite on the Book of Genesis Solomon L. Skoss, "The Arabic Commentary of 'Ali ben Suleimān the Karaite on the Book of Genesis."Jewish Quarterly Review vol. 18 (1927-1928)URI:
Die Kairoer Genisa. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte des hebräischen Bibeltextes und seiner Übersetzungen Paul E. Kahle, Die Kairoer Genisa. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte des hebräischen Bibeltextes und seiner Übersetzungen (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1962)URI:
[Review of: Jamgotchian, The Recently Discovered and Other Unpublished Arabic Fragments of the Samaritan Pentateuch] С. А. Ромашко and S. A. Romaško, "[Review of: Jamgotchian, The Recently Discovered and Other Unpublished Arabic Fragments of the Samaritan Pentateuch]."Социальные и гуманитарные науки. Отечественная и зарубежная литература. Серия 6: Языкознание [2002] (2002)URI:
התרגום הערבי לנוסח התורה של השומרונים. מבוא למהדורה ביקורתית || The Arabic Translation of the Samaritan Pentateuch. Prolegomena to a Critical Edition חסיב שחאדה and Haseeb Shehadeh, התרגום הערבי לנוסח התורה של השומרונים. מבוא למהדורה ביקורתית || The Arabic Translation of the Samaritan Pentateuch. Prolegomena to a Critical Edition (Jerusalem, 1977)URI:
ישועה בן יהודה: לדמותו של חכם קראי ירושלמי במאה הי״א || Yeshuah ben Yehudah: A Characterization of a Karaite Scholar of Jerusalem in the Eleventh Century Haggai Ben-Shammai, "ישועה בן יהודה: לדמותו של חכם קראי ירושלמי במאה הי״א || Yeshuah ben Yehudah: A Characterization of a Karaite Scholar of Jerusalem in the Eleventh Century."Pe‘amim: Studies in Oriental Jewry || פעמים: רבעון לחקר קהילות ישראל במזרח vol. 32 (1987 || תשמ"ז)URI:
The Samaritan Pentateuch. An Introduction to Its Origin, History, and Significance for Biblical Studies Robert T. Anderson and Terry Giles, The Samaritan Pentateuch. An Introduction to Its Origin, History, and Significance for Biblical Studies, SBL Resources for Biblical Studies (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2012)URI:
The Arabic translation and commentary of Yefet ben ʻEli the Karaite on the Abraham narratives (Genesis 11:10-25:18) Marzena Zawanowska ed., The Arabic translation and commentary of Yefet ben ʻEli the Karaite on the Abraham narratives (Genesis 11:10-25:18) vol. 1: Introduction and Text Edition , Karaite Texts and Studies 4; Études sur le judaïsme médiéval (Leiden: Brill, 2012)URI:
Karaite Bible Manuscripts from the Cairo Genizah Geoffrey Khan ed., Karaite Bible Manuscripts from the Cairo Genizah, Cambridge University Library Genizah Series (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999)URI:
פר = رتّ A Non-Moslem Arabic Word Haseeb Shehadeh, "פר = رتّ A Non-Moslem Arabic Word."Studia Orientalia vol. 55 (1984)URI:
التوراة السامرية. النص الكامل للتوراة السامرية باللغة العربية مع مقدمة تحليلية ودراسة مقارنة بين التوراة السامرية والعبرانية ترجمة الكاهن السامري: أبو الحسن إسحق الصوري نشرها وعرف بها: الدكتور أحمد حجازي السقا || The Samaritain [sic] Torah. The Complete Text of the Samaritain Torah in Arabic. Translation of the Samaritain Priest Abu l-Hassan Ishaq El-Suri. Edited by Dr. Ahmad Hegazi El Sakka أحمد حجازي السقا and Ahmad Hegazi El Sakka eds., التوراة السامرية. النص الكامل للتوراة السامرية باللغة العربية مع مقدمة تحليلية ودراسة مقارنة بين التوراة السامرية والعبرانية ترجمة الكاهن السامري: أبو الحسن إسحق الصوري نشرها وعرف بها: الدكتور أحمد حجازي السقا || The Samaritain [sic] Torah. The Complete Text of the Samaritain Torah in Arabic. Translation of the Samaritain Priest Abu l-Hassan Ishaq El-Suri. Edited by Dr. Ahmad Hegazi El Sakka (القاهرة || Cairo: دار الأنصار, 1978)URI:
Der hebräische Pentateuch der Samaritaner August von Gall, Der hebräische Pentateuch der Samaritaner (Gießen: Alfred Töpelmann, 1914-1918, repr. 1966)URI:
התרגום הערבי של השומרונים לתורה || The Arabic Translation of the Samaritan Pentateuch חסיב שחאדה and Haseeb Shehadeh, "התרגום הערבי של השומרונים לתורה || The Arabic Translation of the Samaritan Pentateuch."תרביץ || Tarbiẕ vol. 52 (תשמ"ג || 1982)URI:
[Review of: The Arabic Translation of the Samaritan Pentateuch. Edited from the manuscripts with an Introductory Volume by Haseeb Shehadeh. Volume I: Genesis-Exodus] L. F. Girón, "[Review of: The Arabic Translation of the Samaritan Pentateuch. Edited from the manuscripts with an Introductory Volume by Haseeb Shehadeh. Volume I: Genesis-Exodus]."Sefarad vol. 51 (1991)URI:
לשון התרגום לערבית של התורה השומרונית: קווי יסוד של תורת ההגה והצורת || The Language of the Arabic Translation of the Samaritan Pentateuch: Phonetics and Morphology לבנת ברקן and Livnat Barkan, לשון התרגום לערבית של התורה השומרונית: קווי יסוד של תורת ההגה והצורת || The Language of the Arabic Translation of the Samaritan Pentateuch: Phonetics and Morphology (Jerusalem, 2014)URI:
פירוש קראי על התורה בלבוש שומרוני || A Karaite Commentary on the Torah in Samaritan Garb Ayala Loewenstamm, "פירוש קראי על התורה בלבוש שומרוני || A Karaite Commentary on the Torah in Samaritan Garb."Sefunot: Studies and Sources on the History of the Jewish Communities in the East || ספונות: מחקרים ומקורות לתולדות קהילות ישראל במזרח vol. 8 (1964)URI:

Search Tips

For best results, users are recommended to use the advanced search functions. Search results can also be improved by the use of the the following Boolean search characters:

Wildcard Characters:

Given the prevalence of variant spellings in names, using Wildcard Characters may help.

"?" can be inserted as a variant for any single character.

Thus a search for:

returns results which contain either "Gewargis" or "Giwargis".

Similarly a search for:

returns results which contain either "Mar" or "Mor".

"*" can be inserted as a variant for multiple characters or a truncated word.

Thus a search for:

returns results for "Dayr" and "Dayro" and more.

Similarly a search for

returns results for "ʿAbdishoʿ" and "ʿAbda" and more.

Note: Because the sources we quote use a variety of transliteration formats, ignores diacritics and punctuation in searching; for example, use of "ʿ" is not required to find results with this diacritical mark.

Fuzzy Search Character

Appending the character "~" after a word returns results for words that are close but not exact matches.

Thus a search for

returns results which contain "Aba" but also "Abi", "Saba", "Aha", and other words that are "fuzzy" matches for "Aba".

Exact Phrase Searches

To find an exact phrase, it should be enclosed in double quotes.


"ʿAbdishoʿ I"  
returns only one result with that exact phrase, while several results are found for the words "ʿAbdishoʿ" and "I".

Proximity Characters

To find two or more words which occur within a specified range of each other, one can append the character "~" followed by a number to an "Exact Phrase" search. This allows one to search for two or more words that occur within a specified distance of each other as defined by number of words.


finds three results in which the words "Jacob" and "Bishop" occur within two words of each other: "Jacob , bishop of Nisibin", "Jacob, bishop of Phesilta", and "Jacob , bishop of ‛Ānah" while a simple search for "Jacob Bishop" returns many more results.