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Search Tips

For best results, users are recommended to use the advanced search functions. Search results can also be improved by the use of the the following Boolean search characters:

Wildcard Characters:

Given the prevalence of variant spellings in names, using Wildcard Characters may help.

"?" can be inserted as a variant for any single character.

Thus a search for:

returns results which contain either "Gewargis" or "Giwargis".

Similarly a search for:

returns results which contain either "Mar" or "Mor".

"*" can be inserted as a variant for multiple characters or a truncated word.

Thus a search for:

returns results for "Dayr" and "Dayro" and more.

Similarly a search for

returns results for "ʿAbdishoʿ" and "ʿAbda" and more.

Note: Because the sources we quote use a variety of transliteration formats, ignores diacritics and punctuation in searching; for example, use of "ʿ" is not required to find results with this diacritical mark.

Fuzzy Search Character

Appending the character "~" after a word returns results for words that are close but not exact matches.

Thus a search for

returns results which contain "Aba" but also "Abi", "Saba", "Aha", and other words that are "fuzzy" matches for "Aba".

Exact Phrase Searches

To find an exact phrase, it should be enclosed in double quotes.


"ʿAbdishoʿ I"  
returns only one result with that exact phrase, while several results are found for the words "ʿAbdishoʿ" and "I".

Proximity Characters

To find two or more words which occur within a specified range of each other, one can append the character "~" followed by a number to an "Exact Phrase" search. This allows one to search for two or more words that occur within a specified distance of each other as defined by number of words.


finds three results in which the words "Jacob" and "Bishop" occur within two words of each other: "Jacob , bishop of Nisibin", "Jacob, bishop of Phesilta", and "Jacob , bishop of ‛Ānah" while a simple search for "Jacob Bishop" returns many more results.

Results: 115
The Spirit Before the Letter: Theodore Abū Qurra’s Use of Biblical Quotations in the Context of Early Christian Arabic Apologetics Peter Tarras, "The Spirit Before the Letter: Theodore Abū Qurra’s Use of Biblical Quotations in the Context of Early Christian Arabic Apologetics."Biblia Arabica (Leiden: Brill, 2017)URI:
The Study of Medieval Karaism, 1989–1999 Daniel Frank and Nicholas de Lange, "The Study of Medieval Karaism, 1989–1999." (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001)URI:
The Textual History of the Arabic Pauline Epistles: One Version, Three Recensions, Six Manuscripts Vevian Zaki, "The Textual History of the Arabic Pauline Epistles: One Version, Three Recensions, Six Manuscripts."Biblia Arabica (Leiden: Brill, 2017/09/04)URI:
Three Fragments of Saʿadya Gaon’s Arabic Translation of Isaiah Copied by the Court Scribe Joseph ben Samuel (c. 1181–1209)Amir Ashur, Sivan Nir and Meira Polliack,, "Three Fragments of Saʿadya Gaon’s Arabic Translation of Isaiah Copied by the Court Scribe Joseph ben Samuel (c. 1181–1209)."Biblia Arabica (Leiden: Brill, 2017/09/04)URI:
Translation Technique in the Epistle to the Hebrews as Edited by Edvard Stenij from Codex Tischendorf Mats Eskhult, "Translation Technique in the Epistle to the Hebrews as Edited by Edvard Stenij from Codex Tischendorf."Biblia Arabica (Leiden: Brill, 2017/09/04)URI:
Versions anciennes de Syrie-Palestine et d'al-Andalus Samir Arbache and Philippe Roisse, "Versions anciennes de Syrie-Palestine et d'al-Andalus."Mélanges de Science Religieuse vol. 2 (2005)URI:
Vestiges of Qaraite Translations in the Arabic Translation(s) of the Samaritan Pentateuch Gregor Schwarb, "Vestiges of Qaraite Translations in the Arabic Translation(s) of the Samaritan Pentateuch."Intellectual History of the Islamicate World vol. 1 (2013)URI:
What Hath Rome to do with Seville? Exploring the Latin-to-Arabic Translation of the Gospel of Matthew in Ibn Barrajān’s (d. 536/1141) Qurʾān Commentary Roy Michael McCoy, "What Hath Rome to do with Seville? Exploring the Latin-to-Arabic Translation of the Gospel of Matthew in Ibn Barrajān’s (d. 536/1141) Qurʾān Commentary."Biblia Arabica (Leiden: Brill, 2017/09/04)URI:
On Wisdom, Creation, and Angels: A Karaite Commentary on Proverbs 8 Ilana Sasson, "On Wisdom, Creation, and Angels: A Karaite Commentary on Proverbs 8."Revue des études juives vol. 176 (2017)URI:
Yefet ben Eli’s Translation of the Book of Obadiah || רגומו של יפת בן עלי הקראי לספר עובדיה: מהדורה מוערת ומבוארת Meira Polliack and Eliezer Schlossberg eds., "Yefet ben Eli’s Translation of the Book of Obadiah || רגומו של יפת בן עלי הקראי לספר עובדיה: מהדורה מוערת ומבוארת."Pe‘amim: Studies in Oriental Jewry || פעמים: רבעון לחקר קהילות ישראל במזרח (2001)URI:
Yefet ben ʿEli on the Identity of the ‘Redeemer’ in His Commentary on the Book of Ruth Fiona Eve Blumfield, "Yefet ben ʿEli on the Identity of the ‘Redeemer’ in His Commentary on the Book of Ruth."Journal of Semitic Studies Supplement (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001)URI:
Библия и арабская филология в России (1773-1991) || The Bible and Arabic Philology in Russia (1773-1991) Д. М. Морозов, "Библия и арабская филология в России (1773-1991) || The Bible and Arabic Philology in Russia (1773-1991)."Россия и Христианский Восток || La Russie et l'Orient Chrétien vol. 2-3 (2004)URI:
Библия и арабская филология в России (1991-2010) || La Bible et la philologie arabe en Russie (1991-2010) Дмитрий Морозов and Dmitry Morozov, "Библия и арабская филология в России (1991-2010) || La Bible et la philologie arabe en Russie (1991-2010)."Символ vol. 58 (2010)URI:
Вновь идентифицированные и неопубликованные фрагменты арабских версий Самаритянского Пятикнижия из собрания Российской национальной библиотеки - СПб. || The Recently Discovered and Other Unpublished Arabic Fragments of the Samaritan Pentateuch from the Collection of the Russian National Library - SPb. || Fragments inconnu [sic] et inédits des versions arabes du Pentateuque samaritain de la Bibliothèque Nationale du [sic] Russie - SPb. Арутюн Жамкочян and Haroutun Jamgotchian, Вновь идентифицированные и неопубликованные фрагменты арабских версий Самаритянского Пятикнижия из собрания Российской национальной библиотеки - СПб. || The Recently Discovered and Other Unpublished Arabic Fragments of the Samaritan Pentateuch from the Collection of the Russian National Library - SPb. || Fragments inconnu [sic] et inédits des versions arabes du Pentateuque samaritain de la Bibliothèque Nationale du [sic] Russie - SPb. (Москва || Moscow: Паймс, 2001)URI:
Новые находки в собрании Фирковича || Նոր հայտնաբերումներ Ֆիրկովիչի հավաքածուում || New Discoveries in the Collection of FirkovitchАрутюн Жамкочян, Հարություն Ժամկոչյան and Haroutun Jamgotchian,, "Новые находки в собрании Фирковича || Նոր հայտնաբերումներ Ֆիրկովիչի հավաքածուում || New Discoveries in the Collection of Firkovitch."Մերձավոր և Միջին Արևելքի երկրներ և ժողովուրդներ || The Countries and Peoples of the Near and Middle East || Страны и народы Ближнего и Среднего Востока vol. 26 (2007)URI:
Об одной новозаветной цитате в арабо-мусульманских сочинениях || A Quotation from the New Testament in Arab Muslim Writings Serge Frantsuzov, "Об одной новозаветной цитате в арабо-мусульманских сочинениях || A Quotation from the New Testament in Arab Muslim Writings." (2007)URI:
הנוסח השומרוני של תרגום רס"ג לתורה || The Samaritan Version of Saadya Gaon's Translation of the Pentateuch תמר צבי and Tamar Zewi, "הנוסח השומרוני של תרגום רס"ג לתורה || The Samaritan Version of Saadya Gaon's Translation of the Pentateuch."גנזי קדם: שנתון לחקר הגניזה || Ginzei Qedem: Genizah Research Annual vol. 12 (תשע"ו || 2016)URI:
הקראי ישועה בן יהודה מחברו של פירוש לס׳ בראשית שנשתמר בלבוש שומרוני || The Karaite Yeshuʿah b. Yehudah, Author of a Pseudo-Samaritan Commentary on Genesis Ayala Loewenstamm and אילה ליונשטם, "הקראי ישועה בן יהודה מחברו של פירוש לס׳ בראשית שנשתמר בלבוש שומרוני || The Karaite Yeshuʿah b. Yehudah, Author of a Pseudo-Samaritan Commentary on Genesis."The Academy of the Hebrew Language: Sources and Studies IX—A New Series (Jerusalem: The Academy of the Hebrew Language, 2008)URI:
התרגום הערבי של השומרונים לתורה || The Arabic Translation of the Samaritan Pentateuch חסיב שחאדה and Haseeb Shehadeh, "התרגום הערבי של השומרונים לתורה || The Arabic Translation of the Samaritan Pentateuch."תרביץ || Tarbiẕ vol. 52 (תשמ"ג || 1982)URI:
לשון התרגום לערבית של התורה השומרונית: קווי יסוד של תורת ההגה והצורת || The Language of the Arabic Translation of the Samaritan Pentateuch: Phonetics and Morphology לבנת ברקן and Livnat Barkan, לשון התרגום לערבית של התורה השומרונית: קווי יסוד של תורת ההגה והצורת || The Language of the Arabic Translation of the Samaritan Pentateuch: Phonetics and Morphology (Jerusalem, 2014)URI:
מהדורה שלמה של התרגום הערבי לתורה נוסח שומרון || A Complete Edition of the Arabic Samaritan Pentateuch Simon Hopkins and סימון הופקינס, "מהדורה שלמה של התרגום הערבי לתורה נוסח שומרון || A Complete Edition of the Arabic Samaritan Pentateuch."Cathedra: For the History of Eretz Israel and Its Yishuv || קתדרה: לתולדות ארץ ישראל ויישובה vol. 115 (2005)URI:
משלי בלעם בפירושו של יפת בן עלי הקראי || Balaam’s Poetic Verses in the Commentary of Yefet ben ʿEli the Karaite Avni Tzvi ed., "משלי בלעם בפירושו של יפת בן עלי הקראי || Balaam’s Poetic Verses in the Commentary of Yefet ben ʿEli the Karaite."Sefunot: Studies and Sources on the History of the Jewish Communities in the East || ספונות: מחקרים ומקורות לתולדות קהילות ישראל במזרח New Series 8 || סדרה חדשה‎, ח (2003 || תשס"ג)URI:
על הפרשן הקראי יפת בן עלי ופירושו לספר הושע – על הספר: מאירה פוליאק ואליעזר שלוסברג, פירוש יפת בן עלי לספר הושע [Review of: Polliack, Meira and Eliezer Schlossberg, ed. and trans. Yefet ben ‘Eli’s Commentary on Hosea. Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 2009] Y. Erder and יורם ארדר, "על הפרשן הקראי יפת בן עלי ופירושו לספר הושע – על הספר: מאירה פוליאק ואליעזר שלוסברג, פירוש יפת בן עלי לספר הושע [Review of: Polliack, Meira and Eliezer Schlossberg, ed. and trans. Yefet ben ‘Eli’s Commentary on Hosea. Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 2009]."Cathedra: For the History of Eretz Israel and Its Yishuv || קתדרה: לתולדות ארץ ישראל ויישובה vol. 158 (2016)URI:
פירוש יפת בן עלי לספר הושע || Yefet ben ‘Eli’s Commentary on Hosea Meira Polliack and Eliezer Schlossberg eds., פירוש יפת בן עלי לספר הושע || Yefet ben ‘Eli’s Commentary on Hosea (Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 2009)URI:
פירוש קראי על התורה בלבוש שומרוני || A Karaite Commentary on the Torah in Samaritan Garb Ayala Loewenstamm and אילה ליונשטם, "פירוש קראי על התורה בלבוש שומרוני || A Karaite Commentary on the Torah in Samaritan Garb."The Academy of the Hebrew Language: Sources and Studies IX—A New Series (Jerusalem: The Academy of the Hebrew Language, 2008)URI:

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Publication Date: 2000 > xCitation Script: A-Z x




wechsler, michael (4)הופקינס, סימון (4)blau, joshua (4)schulthess, sara (3)khan, geoffrey (3)monferrer-sala, juan pedro (3)polliack, meira (3)vollandt, ronny (3)בלאו, יהושע (3)jamgotchian, haroutun (2)ליונשטם, אילה (2)blumfield, fiona eve (2)chiesa, bruno (2)stroumsa, sarah (2)קיאזה, ברונו (2)walfish, barry d. (2)סטרומזה, שרה (2)schlossberg, eliezer (2)בר־אשר, מאיר מ׳ (2)wechsler, michael g. (2)dammen mcauliffe, jane (2)مدروس, بيتر (2)loewenstamm, ayala (2)שחאדה, חסיב (2)kachouh (kashouh), hikmat (2)sasson, ilana (2)bar-asher, meir m. (2)goering, joseph w. (2)zaki, vevian (2)robinson, james t (2)жамкочян, арутюн (2)shehadeh, haseeb (2)eskhult, mats (2)hjälm, miriam l (2)feder, frank (1)roisse, philippe (1)lange, armin (1)ромашко, с. а. (1)kaltner, j. (1)nir, sivan (1)butbul, sagit (1)sabih, joshua a. (1)ناصف, جاك (1)شحادة, حسيب (1)צבי, תמר (1)פריש, עמוס (1)morrow, jeffrey l. (1)jamgotchian, haroutyun s. (1)gibson, margaret dunlop (1)istifanus, iriny i. (1)giles, terry (1)schmidtke, sabine (1)thomas, david (1)ארדר, יורם (1)zawanowska, marzena (1)suciu, alin (1)moawad, samuel (1)شهوان, أيوب (1)حنا, سامح (1)erder, y. (1)audu, antoine (1)helmer, christine (1)eissler, friedmann (1)أودو, أنطوان (1)romaško, s. a. (1)ashur, amir (1)nassif, jack a. (1)lemaire, andré (1)henze, matthias (1)tov, emanuel (1)potthast, daniel (1)שלוסברג, אליעזר (1)d'ottone, arianna (1)فايز, مقدسي (1)مقدسي, فايز (1)almbladh, karin (1)tzvi, avni (1)blumenthal, christian (1)בוטבול, שגית (1)بركات, مسروجي، لينا فائق (1)al-rizzī, sergius (1)khalaf, ghassan (1)خلف, غسان (1)морозов, д. м. (1)صموئيل قزمان, معوض (1)goldstein, miriam (1)mihoc, vasile octavian (1)ben-shammai, h. (1)frantsuzov, serge (1)tarras, peter (1)alobaidi, joseph (1)mccoy, roy michael (1)moukarzel, joseph (1)ditommaso, lorenzo (1)ebied, rifaat (1)

Publication Date


Viewable Online

Search Tips

For best results, users are recommended to use the advanced search functions. Search results can also be improved by the use of the the following Boolean search characters:

Wildcard Characters:

Given the prevalence of variant spellings in names, using Wildcard Characters may help.

"?" can be inserted as a variant for any single character.

Thus a search for:

returns results which contain either "Gewargis" or "Giwargis".

Similarly a search for:

returns results which contain either "Mar" or "Mor".

"*" can be inserted as a variant for multiple characters or a truncated word.

Thus a search for:

returns results for "Dayr" and "Dayro" and more.

Similarly a search for

returns results for "ʿAbdishoʿ" and "ʿAbda" and more.

Note: Because the sources we quote use a variety of transliteration formats, ignores diacritics and punctuation in searching; for example, use of "ʿ" is not required to find results with this diacritical mark.

Fuzzy Search Character

Appending the character "~" after a word returns results for words that are close but not exact matches.

Thus a search for

returns results which contain "Aba" but also "Abi", "Saba", "Aha", and other words that are "fuzzy" matches for "Aba".

Exact Phrase Searches

To find an exact phrase, it should be enclosed in double quotes.


"ʿAbdishoʿ I"  
returns only one result with that exact phrase, while several results are found for the words "ʿAbdishoʿ" and "I".

Proximity Characters

To find two or more words which occur within a specified range of each other, one can append the character "~" followed by a number to an "Exact Phrase" search. This allows one to search for two or more words that occur within a specified distance of each other as defined by number of words.


finds three results in which the words "Jacob" and "Bishop" occur within two words of each other: "Jacob , bishop of Nisibin", "Jacob, bishop of Phesilta", and "Jacob , bishop of ‛Ānah" while a simple search for "Jacob Bishop" returns many more results.