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The Binding of Isaac: Isaac or Ishmael?

Iqbal Abd El-Raziq with Prof. Ishay Rosen-Zvi (Tel Aviv University), The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, November 5 2017 at 18:00.

‘And Esther found Favor in the eyes of all who saw her’: ‘Self’ and ‘Other’ in Medieval Jewish Commentaries on the Character of Esther

Sivan Nir (Tel Aviv University), The International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, July 4 2017.

Jewish Tragedy and Islamic Identity: The Image of the Jews as Portrayed in Muslim Narratives Dealing with the Destruction of Jerusalem

Yolanda Yavor (Tel Aviv University), The International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, July 4 2017.

Jewish Arabic Biblical Folk Tales from the Firkovich Collection

Dr. Rachel Hasson (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Wednesday, June 28 2017, at 14:15, Tel Aviv University,

Webb Building 301.

A Reexamination of Saadia Gaon’s Dictum “Humankind is more sublime than angels”

Dr Nabih Bashir (Biblia Arabica Project), Wednesday, June 7 2017, at 14:15, Tel Aviv University, Webb Building, Room 301.

Yefet ben Eli’s Exegesis of the Books of Ezra, Nehemiah and Chronicles

Mr. Yair Zoran, Monday, May 22 2017, at 18:15, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, The Kister-Banet forum (Hebrew)

TAU-Halle 2017 Joint Workshop

Talks by Arik Sadan, Meirav Nadler-Akirav, Meira Polliack and Sivan Nir, February 12-16,

Webb Building 103, Tel-Aviv University campus

Programme Biblia Arabica Forum 2016-2017

The Yemenite Transmission Channel of Saadia Gaon’s Tafsir

Dr. Doron Ya’acov (The Academy of the Hebrew Language and Herzog College), Sunday 23 January, 2017, 18:00, The Hebrew University, Mount Scopus

“The Romans will win!” A Qur’ānic prophecy (Q 30:2-7) in light of 7th c. political eschatology

Dr. Tommaso Tesei (The Polonsky Academy for Advanced Study, Jerusalem), Tuesday 17 January 2017, 16:00-18:00,

Webb Building 301, Tel-Aviv University campus

An Allusion to the Bible in Early Shīʽī Theological Discourse: Some Thoughts

Dr. Roy Vilozny (University of Haifa), Tuesday 3 January 2017, 16:00-18:00, Webb Building 301, Tel-Aviv University campus

Christian Arabic Versions of Daniel

Dr. Miriam Lindgren Hjälm (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München),Biblia Arabica: The Bible in Arabic among Jews, Christians, and Muslims; SBL Annual Meeting in San Antonio, TX, November 2016

Job: The First (Jewish) Subject and the Sovereignty of Saadiah’s Yhwh

Dr. Meir Bar Maymon (Tel Aviv University),Joint Session With: The Qur’an and the Biblical Tradition (IQSA), Biblia Arabica: The Bible in Arabic among Jews, Christians, and Muslims; SBL Annual Meeting in San Antonio, TX, November 2016

Grammatical Issues in Yefet b. Eli’s Translation and Commentary on the Book of Job, based on the Manuscripts

Dr. Arik Sadan (Tel Aviv University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem),20-23 June 2016, The International sixth Conference of the Center of Jewish Languages and Literatures – Jewish Languages, Languages in Contact, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (In Hebrew)

Yefet ben Eli on Proverbs: Preparations for an Edition and a Discussion of its Contents

Dr. Ilana Sasson (Sacred Heart University CT, USA), Wednesday, June 1 2016, at 18:15, Tel Aviv University, Webb Building, Room 101

Three Uses of the Hebrew Bible in Arabic in Judah ibn Tibbon’s Original Writings

Professor Sarah J. Pearce (New York University), Tuesday, 24 May 2016, at 12:15, Tel Aviv University, Webb Building, Room 102

An Introduction to Judeo-Arabic Bible Translations

Dr. Arik Sadan(Tel Aviv University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Friday, May 13, at 12:15, Center for Islamic and Middle East Studies at the University of Oslo

Einführung in die Jüdisch-Arabisch Bibelübersetzungen

Dr. Arik Sadan(Tel Aviv University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Monday, May 9 2016, Harlingen, Germany,”Dialektologie und Sprachvariation: Oberseminar” (MA-Programm Linguistik)

“The Judeo-Arabic Biblical Manuscripts from the Vienna Papyrus Collection”. Professor Meira Polliack,


(April 10–13, 2016 The Hebrew University, Mount Scopus/The Schechter Institute, Neve Sha’anan).

Christianity and Judaism in the Language of Islam: A Conference on the Bible in Arabic and Cognate Fields

“Christianity and Judaism in the Language of Islam: A Conference on the Bible in Arabic and Cognate Fields”was held on 29 March – 1 April, 2016 in Gustavianum, Uppsala. The conference was hosted by Uppasala University and organized in cooperation with the DFG-funded Biblia Arabica project located at Tel Aviv University and at Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich.

Yefet ben Eli the Karaite’s Translation and Commentary on the Book of Job

Dr. Arik Sadan(Tel Aviv University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Monday, February 29 2016, at 18:15, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, The Department of Arabic Language and Literature departmental seminar (Hebrew)

The Qur’anic Mary and the Chronology of the Qur’an

Prof. Guillaume Dye (Interdisciplinary Centre for Study of Religions and Secularism, Université libre de Bruxelles), Tel-Aviv, 16 December, 2015

Biblia Arabica Session in the 2nd International Conference in Interreligious Studies Tel Aviv, 14 December, 2015

Camilla Adang, Meira Polliack (Tel Aviv University); Ronny Vollandt (LMU, Munich)

Who Wrote the Book of Proverbs? A Medieval Karaite Approach

Dr. Ilana Sasson (Sacred Heart University CT, USA), Annual Conference of the Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, GA.

Tales of the Prophets in al-Maqrīzī’s al-Khabar ʿan al-bashar: from Saul to Solomon

Camilla Adang (Tel Aviv University), “Qisas al-Anbiya’: the Islamic Stories of the Prophets conference”, Naples, 14-15 October, 2015

The use of the term qissah/qisas in Medieval Judaeo-Arabic Bible Exegesis and its Wider Implications

Prof. Meira Polliack (Tel Aviv University),”Qisas al-Anbiya’: the Islamic Stories of the Prophets conference”, Naples, 14-15 October, 2015

The contribution of Biblia-Arabica

Prof. Meira Polliack (Tel Aviv University), panel on Method and Theory in the Study of Islamic Origins, Enoch Seminar – International Scholarship on Second Temple Judaism, Christian,Rabbinic and Islamic Origins – Early Islam: The Sectarian Milieu of Late Antiquity, Milan, June 2015

The story of the Intended Sacrifice of Abraham’s son in the Qurʾān (Q 37: 100-113) – Qiṣṣat al-dhabīḥ

Yolanda Yavor (Tel Aviv University), May 2015, The Dynamic of Religious Interaction seminar, Cambridge University

On Creation, Wisdom, and Angelology: A Medieval Commentary on Proverbs 8

Dr. Ilana Sasson (Sacred Heart University CT, USA), The 50th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI. May 14-17 2015.

Deconstructing “The Dual Torah” – Radical Jewish Responses to the Rise of Arabic Literacy and the Muslim Model of Scripture

Prof. Meira Polliack (Tel Aviv University), Institute of Advanced Studies, Research Group on “Interpretation as Generator of Religious Law”, Jerusalem, May 2015

Differences and Similarities between Christian and Karaite Translations of the Bible into Arabic: The Case of the Book of Job

Dr. Arik Sadan (Tel Aviv University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem), the international conference on current research in the field of the Arabic manuscripts of the Bible, Leuven, April 22-24, 2015

Yefet b. Eli’s Translation and Commentary on the Book of Job: Preliminary Linguistic Observations Based on the Manuscripts in Arabic and Hebrew Letters

Dr. Arik Sadan (Tel Aviv University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem), The sixth Conference on Semitic languages organized by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Semitistik in der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, the Chair of Semitic Languages at the University of Heidelberg and by the Chair of Hebrew Linguistics at the Hochschule für Jüdische Studien, the University of Heidelberg, 9–11 February, 2015

Who were the Muslim readers of Arabic Bible Translations?

Professor Camilla Adang (Tel Aviv University), Workshop: “Translating Sacred Texts” , Madrid , Tuesday 13 January, 2015

Program (English)

Yefet ben Eli on Proverbs 8: A Close Reading

Dr. Ilana Sasson (Sacred Heart University CT, USA), The 46th annual conference of the Association for Jewish Studies, Baltimore, MD, 14-16 December, 2014

The Yemenite Tradition of Mishnaic Hebrew – Some New Aspects

Dr. Doron Ya’acov (The Academy of the Hebrew Language and Herzog College), 23 November, 2014 at Tel-Aviv University, the department of Hebrew culture, the unit of Hebrew language department seminar

The Yemenite Language Tradition – Between a Written and Oral Tradition

Dr.Doron Ya’akov (The Academy of the Hebrew Language and Herzog College), TEXTUAL TRAILS – Transmissions of Oral and Written Texts, the 11th Conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship, Helsinki, October 30 – November, 1 2014

Thoughts on Karaism and the Rise of Literacy in the Jewish-Islamic Milieu

Prof. Meira Polliack (Tel Aviv University), Workshop on the Interplay of medieval Jewish Poetry and Bible Exegesis, Seminar fur Judasitik, Goethe University of Frankfurt, August 2014
Organisation: Dr. Joachin Yeshaya, Prof. Elisabeth Hollender and Friederike Schopf

The Bible Read through the Prism of Theology: Spiritual Anthropomorphism among the Early Karaites

Dr. Marzena Zawanowska (University of Warsaw) ,The 10th Congress of the EAJS, Paris, 20–24 July, 2014

On Creation, Wisdom, and Angelology: A Karaite Commentary on Proverbs 8

Dr. Ilana Sasson (Sacred Heart University CT, USA), The 10th Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies, Paris, 20-24 July, 2014

An Isma’ili Reading of Prophetic Stories: Ja’far b. Mansur al-Yaman’s Attempt

Dr. Roy Vilozny (The Hebrew University & Tel Aviv University), The SBL (Society of Biblical Studies) Annual Meeting, the University of Vienna, 7 July ,2014

From Yefet b. Eli’s Commentary on the Book of Haggai

Dr. Meirav Nadler-Akirav (Bar-Ilan University), Wednesday June 11 2014, at 18:15 Tel Aviv University, Webb Building, Room 105

Invitation (Hebrew)

The Quranic Hanif

Iqbal Abd El-Raziq (Tel Aviv University), 25-27 May, 2014, The Dynamic of Religious Interaction seminar, Cambridge University

Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Translated into the Colloquial Arabic of the Jews of Aden: The Background of the Phenomenon and Preliminary Observations

Dr. Doron Ya’acov (The Academy of the Hebrew Language and Herzog College) and Mr. Danny Goldschmidt, Wednesday May 21 2014, at 16:30 The Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies, Room 4112, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus

Invitation (Hebrew)

Yefet b. Eli’s Translation and Commentary on the Book of Job: Preliminary Observations

Dr. Arik Sadan (Tel Aviv University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Wednesday May 14 2014, at 18:15 Tel Aviv University, Webb Building, Room 105

Invitation (English)

The Exegetical Works of Rabbi Abraham ben Solomon the Yemennite

Professor Eliezer Schlossberg (Bar-Ilan University),
Wednesday, April 23 2014, at 18:00 ,Tel-Aviv University, Webb Building, Room 103

Invitation (English)

Invitation (Hebrew)

Developments in Medieval Exegesis and Translation

Prof. Meira Polliack (Tel Aviv University), École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Seminar Series, Paris, April 2014

Yefet b. Eli on the Book of Joshua: Preliminary Observations

Professor James T. Robinson (The Divinity School, University of Chicago),
Wednesday, December 18 2013, at 18:00, Tel Aviv University, Webb Building, Room 103

Invitation (English)

One Book—Two Interpretations: Two Medieval Commentaries on the Book of Proverbs

Dr. Ilana Sasson (Sacred Heart University CT, USA), The 45th annual conference of the Association for Jewish Studies, Boston, MA, December 15-17, 2013

Medieval Investigations into the History of Biblical Translations to Arabic: Readings from Ms. Paris, BNF, Ar.1

Dr. Ronny Vollandt (Freie Universität Berlin),
Wednesday, November 6 2013, at 18:00, Tel Aviv University, Webb Building, Room 103

Invitation (English)

Religion in an Age of Reason: Reading Divine Attributes into the Scriptural Text in Medieval Karaite Bible Translations

Dr. Marzena Zawanowska (University of Warsaw), “Cultures in Conversation”: Asian Languages and Cultures” -Conference, Poznań, 28–30 October 2013

The usage of Islamic terms and generic distinctions in Jewish and Christian Bible interpretation

Prof. Meira Polliack (Tel Aviv University), The 3rd New Frontiers in Islamic Studies German-Israeli Summer School: Muslim Perceptions and Receptions of the Bible, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, September 2013

Who Wrote the Torah? The Question of Authorship of the Pentateuch According to Medieval Karaite Exegetes

Dr. Marzena Zawanowska (University of Warsaw), The 16th Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 28 July – 1 August 2013

Gender Equality in the Commentary of Yefet b. Eli and in Karaite Law

Dr. Ilana Sasson (Sacred Heart University CT, USA), The 16th Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 28 July – 1 August 2013

Innovations in the Study of Judaeo-Arabic Literature

Prof. Meira Polliack (Tel Aviv University), The 16th Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 28 July – 1 August 2013; Moderator of Session: Between Jewish and Muslim Medieval Literatures, Celebrating 25 years to the appearance of Rina Drory’s Literary Contacts

Theological Alterations of Scripture in Medieval Karaite Bible Translations

Dr. Marzena Zawanowska (University of Warsaw), The 16th International Conference of the Society for Judaeo-Arabic Studies, Jerusalem, 22–25 July 2013

Masorah, Grammar, and Hermeneutics in Yefet ben Eli’s Commentary

Dr. Ilana Sasson (Sacred Heart University CT, USA), The 16th International Conference of the Society for Judaeo-Arabic Studies, Jerusalem, 22–25 July 2013