Notes sur les citations bibliques chez Abū Qurrah

Preferred Citation

Samir, Samir Khalil. “Notes sur les citations bibliques chez Abū Qurrah.” Orientalia Christiana Periodica 49 (1983): 184–91.


Argues that Theodore quoted from memory and did not have a fixed Arabic translation at his disposal. The quotations betray Syriac influence. Contrary to his Arabic writings, in his Greek works Theodore sticks to the wording of the Biblical texts. He does not view the text of the Bible as revealed Scripture in the Qurʾānic sense. The quotations do not exclude that Theodore might have authored the “Summa theologiae arabica” (MS London, British Library, Or. 4950).

Full Citation Information


Title: Notes sur les citations bibliques chez Abū Qurrah

Author: Samir Khalil Samir

URI:  Link to Biblia Arabica bibliography Bibliographic Record.


Title: Orientalia Christiana Periodica


Date of Publication: 1983

Pages: 184-191

Volume: 49


Subject Headings

Biblical quotations in Christian Arabic writings  Theodore Abū Qurra 

About this Online Entry

Editorial Responsibility:

  • Ronny Vollandt, general editor, Biblia Arabica
  • Ronny Vollandt and Nathan P. Gibson, editors, Biblia Arabica
  • Nathan P. Gibson, entry contributor, “Notes sur les citations bibliques chez Abū Qurrah”
  • rvollandt, entry contributor, “Notes sur les citations bibliques chez Abū Qurrah”

Additional Credit:

  • Record added to Zotero by Nathan P. Gibson
  • Record edited in Zotero by rvollandt

Citation Styles