Le Psaume VIII commenté par Salmōn b. Yerūḥīm


Preferred Citation

Vajda, Georges. “Le Psaume VIII commenté par Salmōn b. Yerūḥīm.” In Essays on the Occasion of the Seventieth Anniversary of The Dropsie University (1909–1979), edited by Abraham I. Katsh and Leon Nemoy, 441–48. Philadelphia: The Dropsie University, 1979.


Includes a French translation of the extant text of Salmon’s Judaeo-Arabic translation and commentary on Psalm 8, based on 2 Mss.

Full Citation Information


Title: Le Psaume VIII commenté par Salmōn b. Yerūḥīm

Author: Georges Vajda

Editor: Abraham I. Katsh

Editor: Leon Nemoy

URI: https://biblia-arabica.com/bibl/MBQ9HRE8  Link to Biblia Arabica bibliography Bibliographic Record.



Place of Publication: Philadelphia

Publisher: The Dropsie University

Date of Publication: 1979

Pages: 441-48


Subject Headings

Psalms  Old Testament  Jewish  Qaraite  Hebrew  Salmon ben Yeruḥam 

Cited Manuscripts

St. Petersburg, National Library of Russia, Evr. I 555  St. Petersburg, National Library of Russia, Evr.-Arab. I 1345 

About this Online Entry

Editorial Responsibility:

  • Ronny Vollandt, general editor, Biblia Arabica
  • Ronny Vollandt and Nathan P. Gibson, editors, Biblia Arabica
  • SophiaK, entry contributor, “Le Psaume VIII commenté par Salmōn b. Yerūḥīm”
  • Adrian Binder, entry contributor, “Le Psaume VIII commenté par Salmōn b. Yerūḥīm”
  • Michael Wechsler, entry contributor, “Le Psaume VIII commenté par Salmōn b. Yerūḥīm”
  • Ronny Vollandt, entry contributor, “Le Psaume VIII commenté par Salmōn b. Yerūḥīm”

Additional Credit:

  • Record added to Zotero by SophiaK
  • Record edited in Zotero by Adrian Binder
  • Primary editing by Michael Wechsler
  • Primary editing by Ronny Vollandt

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