لمحة عن ترجمات الكتاب المقدس إلى العربية وبخاصة الترجمة "المشتركة" وعمل الشاعر يوسف الخال || A Glimpse of the Bible Translations into Arabic with focus on the Standard Version and the Work of the Poet Youssef al-Khāl


Preferred Citation

خلف, غسان, and Ghassan Khalaf. “لمحة عن ترجمات الكتاب المقدس إلى العربية وبخاصة الترجمة ‘المشتركة’ وعمل الشاعر يوسف الخال || A Glimpse of the Bible Translations into Arabic with focus on the Standard Version and the Work of the Poet Youssef al-Khāl.” رسالة الكنيسة 4 (1994): 1–4.

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A survey on the printed editions of the Arabic Bible since the seventeenth through the twentieth centuries.

Full Citation Information


Title: لمحة عن ترجمات الكتاب المقدس إلى العربية وبخاصة الترجمة "المشتركة" وعمل الشاعر يوسف الخال || A Glimpse of the Bible Translations into Arabic with focus on the Standard Version and the Work of the Poet Youssef al-Khāl

Author: غسان خلف

Author: Ghassan Khalaf

URI: https://biblia-arabica.com/bibl/J9BC8SVX  Link to Biblia Arabica bibliography Bibliographic Record.


Title: رسالة الكنيسة


Date of Publication: 1994

Pages: 1-4

Volume: 4


Subject Headings

New Testament  Old Testament  Catholic  Christian  Coptic  Dominican  Jesuit  Protestant  Arabic Standard Version (1993)  Catholic Press Bible (1989)  Ghrīghūryūs Gospels (1975-1989)  Historic Printings  Historic Printings: Al-Shidyak et al (1857)  Historic Printings: Al-Shidyak et al (1983)  Historic Printings: Biblia Sacra Arabica (1671)  Historic Printings: Henry Martin et al (1822)  Historic Printings: The Jesuit Bible (1876-1881)  Historic Printings: The Mossul Bible (1875-1878)  Kaslik Translation (1993) 

Cited Manuscripts

Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Ar. 13 

About this Online Entry

Editorial Responsibility:

  • Ronny Vollandt, general editor, Biblia Arabica
  • Ronny Vollandt and Nathan P. Gibson, editors, Biblia Arabica
  • Vevian Zaki, entry contributor, “لمحة عن ترجمات الكتاب المقدس إلى العربية وبخاصة الترجمة "المشتركة" وعمل الشاعر يوسف الخال || A Glimpse of the Bible Translations into Arabic with focus on the Standard Version and the Work of the Poet Youssef al-Khāl”
  • rvollandt, entry contributor, “لمحة عن ترجمات الكتاب المقدس إلى العربية وبخاصة الترجمة "المشتركة" وعمل الشاعر يوسف الخال || A Glimpse of the Bible Translations into Arabic with focus on the Standard Version and the Work of the Poet Youssef al-Khāl”

Additional Credit:

  • Record added to Zotero by Vevian Zaki
  • Record edited in Zotero by rvollandt

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